Painless Laser Hair Removal
This New diode laser hair removal machine PL-212 makes painless hair removal. PL-212 uses PrettyLasers’ FHR mode, which is the only clinically proven method of laser hair removal that is virtually painless.
The unique heating and energy delivery method effectively damages the hair follicle while preventing injury and pain to the surrounding tissue. At the same time, integrated strong cooling technology cools the skin surface, preventing superficial burns and the sensation of pain.

The transportable laser system PL-212 is the specialist for permanent hair reduction. This technology-advanced laser is the first of its kind. With 3 kind of wavelengths, 808nm, Alexandrite (755nm) and Nd:YAG Laser (1064nm) wavelength. The best wavelengths for treating skin tones 1, 2, and 3 (fair and light skin) is an Alexandrite Wavelength at 755 nm and the best wavelength for treating skin tones 4, 5, and 6 (4 for tanned skin and 5 and 6 for dark skin) is an Nd:YAG Wavelength at 1064 nm. While most lasers utilize one or the other. PL-211 3 wavelength combination 755/808/1064 nm.
Painless Permanent Hair Removal
Usually, to get rid of the unwanted hair, you need to use high settings of each wavelength and this makes the treatment more painful and subject to temporary complications. However, with this lasers, combing 3 wavelengths, painless permanent hair removal. Therefore you only need to use minimal settings of each wavelength to achieve the same results.
Painless Laser Hair Removal
It’s also worth pointing out that the Alexandrite wavelength removes hair at the surface of the skin, while the Nd:YAG wavelength takes care of business below the epidermis. But since we know all you really care about is the pain factor, using less energy per wavelength means the treatment is less painful overall.
What Is Diode Laser Hair Removal ?
755nm/808nm/1064nm diode laser machine is freezing through technological innovation, so that the treatment of head to negative temperature, unlike other laser burns the skin, to better protect the skin, hair follicle melanin by specific wavelength of laser absorption, and the heat exchange to destroy hair follicle, the laser energy can be shot down into the hair follicles within the hair follicle is destroyed energy decomposition, so that the hair follicles to stop growing, because the laser energy about 15% of the skin can penetrate the dermis layer, the epidermis and more with melanoma of the hair follicle deep through the heat damage to hair follicle degeneration and atrophy, achieve permanent hair removal results.
755nm wavelength:
For the widest range of hair types and color
The Alexandrite wavelength offers more powerful energy absorbed by the melanin chromophore, making it ideal for the widest range of hair types and color especially light-colored and thin hair.
Speed 808nm wavelength:
Half the treatment time
The classic wavelength in laser hair removal, the 810nm wavelength offers deep penetration of the hair follicle with high average power, a high repetition rate and a large spot size for fast treatment.
Yag 1064nm wavelength:
Specialized for darker skin types
The advantage of the YAG 1064 wavelength is that the lower melanin absorbs, making it a darker skin type focusing.
Although an average of 4-8 treatments (spaced 6 to 12 weeks apart) is the norm, depending on the body location of the unwanted hair, hormonal areas such as the face and upper arms may require more than six sessions.
How Is Painless Laser Hair Removal Possible?
State-of-the-art Technology
Laser technology has greatly evolved. we only produce and export superior laser platforms that perform truly comfortable laser hair removal with the same, or better efficacy, all without the tears, hassle and numbing cream of the past, outdated technology.
Inferior laser technology
Inferior lasers shoot energy that is so intense, that it not only causes pain, but it provides unnecessary risk & potential damage to the skin of the treated areas. With these lasers, the energy is generally turned down to prevent pain, at the sacrifice of results-this causes customers to need more treatments because the treatments are not effectively destroying hairs. This is not the case with our lasers.
How Does Painless Laser Hair Removal Work?
Using PL-212 by PrettyLasers, the treated areas will have the laser head pass back and forth multiple times, to provide controlled laser rays to target, and kill off, unwanted hair. These laser rays essentially cook off the hair follicle to a point of destruction, all without damage to the skin. The resulting damage to the hair follicles reduce the body’s ability to grow and hold hair in the treated area(s).
Is Painless Laser Hair Removal Safe?
Yes. As the laser overlaps the treated areas, the hair is slowly targeted, providing the treating nurse with time to stop treatment should any adverse reactions occur.
How Many Laser Hair Removal Treatments Will I Need?
The average person who wishes to do laser hair removal is recommended a base of 6 sessions in the same treatment area.With each treatment, a small percentage of hair will reduce, or become finer in texture. Generally after 6 sessions the treated area should see about 50% reduction in hair some exclusions apply.
Remember, laser treatments targets current, active hairs. While your body is responsible for repairing all damaged cells in your body, including hair cells, your body may repair damaged hair follicles post laser hair removal treatments, thus requiring multiple treatments.
Are PL-212 Treatments Performed Only By Physicians Or Can They Be Perfromed By Clinical Staff ?
Treatments with PL-212 are esily delegated to clinical staff. The PL-212 system is simple to operate featuring a user-friendly touchscreen. Treatments are clean and quick with no disposables.